We have now made the return journey (the other journey) and I am still in transition. And I am realising that in the wheel of change there is an inevitable tug of war that drags me from chaos to order and […]
18. The other journey
In a few days we go back to the place where I come from, a place I left almost 22 years ago. There are times when I still can’t believe it. It is a small place. An island. This journey […]
15. What we eat
My relationship with food has changed a lot over time and I try to be increasingly aware of what I eat and why. The operation and understanding my hormones have brought a […]
13. It looks like a smile
Already wrapped in my towel, I called Juanpe so that he could help me get out of the bath. – I undressed the wound. – I told him. – Oh really? How do you feel? – He said to me. – Are you […]
11. The click
When I think about how this recovery process has been, I feel like I started recovering when I decided to go ahead with the operation. As if by taking that decision something clicked, and my […]
3. Packing
Every journey needs a bag. Sometimes it can be invisible and even so have an immeasurable weight. My journey to reconnection also has luggage. It has more than one bag. Or one alone in which things will come and go, and […]
1. A journey to reconnect
I feel the need to share this journey of self-discovery that I have started due to facing an upcoming operation to remove some fibroids in my uterus. For a long time, I avoided facing this operation. I believed there wasn’t a good-enough reason (The click), until […]